
Technology for Every woman on the African Continent

We are very determined to use the Power of Technology to extend Key services in various industries to every woman in Africa regardless of their economic or social status.

In this commitment to equality and opportunity for all, we see parallels to the world of , where every player has a chance to win, regardless of their past experience or starting conditions.

Legzo Casino promotes health and well-being!

Development of Sports Betting At Virtual Clubs

Our Services

Chil Ai Group Offers  offer a range of Technology Guided services 


Tele-Health services

We use  high Level Machine Learning  Technology to bring reality of Tele-Health services to Africa.


We Turn sun into the cold air that can keep any agricultural Produce for at-least 21 days 


We are the Leading Providers of Artificial Intelligence Powered  Smart saving Technology  for every woman-women can now be Managers of their ,family ,relative and friends' healthcare .  

Drone Hire services 

We hire out  specialized health commodity delivery drones ,Agriculture  Drones and General Item delivery drones 


I am Nakabinga Moreen 

65 years old


It was in 2017 when i tested positive of cervical cancer .I was very Worried about how i will leaving my Home Periodically to hospital to consult my doctor .One day i landed onto chil Ai Lab platform called Keti which from that time i use to consult either my doctor or automated consultation ,i can just upload my regular x-ray results and the automated assistant or A human doctor interprets for me( its me to choose  which one to use ) 


Ready to find out more?

Are Ready to find out More about Chil Ai Group ???? Please follow the Link Bellow to have your wish fulfilled .


Contact Us


Africa-Plot 4B Mpererwe-Buwambo Road 

United States of America -4138 E, State Route 73, Waynesville,OH 45068





© 2020 chil ai Lab Group

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